Friday, August 14, 2009

QEMU Minimal Linux Kernel Config

This is a minimal .config file for the Linux Kernel ( that allows you to run this QEMU Image

Config File

One of the uses I gave to this minimal configuration is kernel development.
One of the benefits of using this .config file is that the compiling time is drastically reduced and also the code size of the kernel is reduced.

To run qemu with the bzImage of your kernel, copy the .config to your source directory
and compile as usual (make all, maybe). Then use the recently compiled image to run QEMU

gr00vy@kenny:~/OSDev/Qemu$ qemu -hda linux-0.2.img -kernel ../linux- -k es -append "root=\"/dev/hda\" ro"


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your config ! I hope it will save some time for me to get kern debug env up und run-g. +1

Anonymous said...

Thanks, it was useful post for me.

Anonymous said...

Definitely useful!